Server ratings

Basic information
- 36/16 slots for buffs, 6 hours validity time.
- Full auto-learning of class skills.
- Macros and nipple lag - none.
- Infinite Arrows / Nipples.
- 1st, 2nd and 3rd professions in alt+b for adena.
- Store up to and including S84 grade for in-game currency.
- Mana banks restore 1400 mp roll 6 sec.
- Hellbound Island is open and is level 11.
- Chance of Kraft Master Work 10%.
- Weight limit increased Inventory 250 slots.
- Global chat for all players.
- Siege and TV every week. One owner can have 9 flags at the same time
- The flags of all castles are returned to their original locations immediately before each Battle of the Lands.
- A unique PvP Zone, for confronting players from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT+3.
- Top PvP players for the day and week with rewards.
- Special farming zones (Alt+B) fast character pumping and mining game currency.
Character creation
At creation the character receives a "Apprentice Coupon", the coupon can be redeemed for various items.

Item exchange:

Free premium account
Attention! When joining the clan for the first time, the character receivesPREMIUM ACCOUNT!

Server currency

Chances of sharpening items
Limitations on item enhancement
- Weapons - 25
- Armor - 20
- Jewellery - 20
The chance of improving items with the attribute is 36% for stones and crystals equally.
The subclass and the nobility
- The subclass is available without completing the quest.
- Leveling up subclasses to level 85.
- The maximum number of subclasses is 3
- Nobility is available in ALT+B for in-game currency.
Daily tasks
Daily missions feature is available on the server. Complete missions and get rewards!

Automatic hunting (autofarm)
The automatic hunting function is available on the server, the function can only be used if there is apremium account. 30 minutes of free hunting time is available daily.
You can buy additional time in your personal cabinet, the maximum amount of time to buy per day is 7 hours. It is also possible to get an extension item in daily tasks.

Great Olympics
General information
Participating in the "Great Olympiad" has become much more interesting! We have an updated system of rating the best players for the day and week depending on the number of Olympic points received. You can also find out your position in the weekly ranking.

A daily award to the best player:

A weekly award to the top players:

The ranking of the best players for the day and week is determined according to the Olympiad points received. Whoever has the most Olympic points gets the award. The top one for the day and the top three rankings for the week get the award.
Olympiad participation award:

Important information
- Olympiad period: 7 days
- Number of starting points = 20
- Maximum number of fights in the Olympics in extra-class fights = 150
- Weapon sharpening limit = 10 / Armor sharpening limit = 8 / Costume jewelry sharpening limit = 8
- Minimum number of players to start extra-class battles = 2
- 3 on 3 group fights are disabled.
- Class battles are off.
- Time to teleport to the arena = 60
- Time to fight = 60
- Arena Trident - disabled - disabled due to the specifics of geodata on it. On the chronicles above it was excluded from the list by the game developers.
- The ability to attack the NPC buffer before the battle starts.
Repavn epic bosses

Epic costume jewelry exchange
Under ALT+B "Forge" you can exchange weaker epic jewelry for stronger ones
Time zones
Limits on entry to time zones
- Freya - Number of players to enter Instance 2
- Frintezza - Number of players to enter instance 2
- Zaken(83 lvl) - Number of players to enter the instance 2
- Day Zaken - Number of players to enter 2
- Night Zaken - Number of players to enter 2
Noblesse Raid Boss
To get the status of Nobleman, the player can not do the quest, just kill the Boss Noblesse 85 lvl.
After the kill, a chest will appear.
You have 10 seconds to talk to him or he disappears.
With a 50% chance you can get a Certificate of Nobility.

Respawn time is 4 hours.

Clan Raid Bosses
Another addition to the Clan Reputation system. Kill the Raid Bosses from the list below and get a Clan Reputation Coupon as a drop: the scroll gives 1000 Clan Reputation points. The coupon can be exchanged at a regular exchange, and reputation is instantly credited to the clan counter.

To find the right Raid Boss use the game map, each boss has its own number.

Features Raid Bosses:
- Raid Bosses Respawn is fixed with a pre-announcement in general chat.
- If the Raid Boss is killed before 0000, the respawn will occur the next day at the specified time.
- If a Raid Boss is killed after 0000 hours, +24 hours are added to the respawn time.
- Players who have attacked PvP category Raid Bosses can be attacked by other players.
Possibility to get c Clan Raid Boss:

Raid points
IMPORTANTThis is the total number of points that can be shared by a pati.
- The location of almost all Raid Bosses is strictly defined, and they can be found using the information on the game map (M);
- The time until the Raid Boss reappears after killing it is 12-20 hours of real time;
- The level of characters that can attack a Raid Boss is limited, usually +8 levels from the boss level, but for some RBs the level difference is less. If this condition is violated, the character will be turned into a statue for some time;
- The size of the reward also depends on the level of the attacking characters: the greater the difference, the smaller the possible reward;
- Raid Points are distributed among the attackers if they are in a group;
- You can't get Raid Points from instanced Raid Bosses as well as summoned ones.
- IMPORTANT This is the total number of points that can be shared by a pati.
Number of points depending on the level of the Raid Boss:

The number of Raid Points can be seen by pressing Shift + clicking on the RB.

Updated drop 7 RB
Friends, now in addition to the main drop you can get a nice bonus.
Kill one of the 7RBs and get a well deserved reward:
- Emerald Horn, 84 lvl
- Dust Rider,84 lvl
- Bleeding Fly,84 lvl
- Blackdagger Wing (Black Blade),84 lvl
- Spike Slasher,84 lvl
- Shadow Summoner,84 lvl
- Muscle Bomber (Mighty Bomber), 84 lvl
Extra Drop:

Daily bonuses in Telegram
Every day you can get valuable prizes and gifts, for more information read in our telegram channel!
We appreciate every player on our server. Play as a clan and get a worthy reward from our project!
Reward in automatic mode(ALT+B -> "Bonus to clans")
Your clan must have 9 or more unique players to receive the bonus.
If all conditions are met, the clan receives 200,000 reputation and Clan Level 9.

Promotion conditions and number of winners
- You must be the first to sharpen - weapons, armor (2 parts or more), costume jewelry (2 parts or more) to the max!
- There will be a total of 3 winners - weapons, armor, costume jewelry
- It could be 1 person who sharpened everything!
- Equipment must be S84, if lower, you do not participate
What if you have fulfilled the terms and conditions of the contest?
- Join our Discord server
- Take a screenshot indicating what you sharpened and post it in this Discord thread
- We verify and issue a prize! IMPORTANT! At the time of verification, you must have the equipment
What is the reward for winning the contest?
- You can get 20 Gold Einhasad for each of the 3 items completed
- Eternal glory and a strong character because you have reached god level in sharpening 🙂
Level and sharpening chance:
- Maximum weapon sharpening: +20 / armor:+16 / jewelry:+16 / Chance of sharpening: 65% (with PA 70%).
- Safety Sharpening: +6.

Those who, at the time of OBT, can take the most heroism from their class, will receive special gifts for the character before the start of the server. You can receive no more than one gift in one hand.
IMPORTANT! During OBT, a hero is awarded every day. 00:05 GMT+2
Also forbidden to pour their windows 1 player - 1 prize! Check by hwid/ip
Prizes for winning an event:

We invite all interested players to participate in the Online Broadcast of the x1200 server!
Join forces with strangers or create a clan with friends—conquer epic raid dungeons, destroy formidable monster bosses, or engage in intense battles with thousands of other players from around the world.
Streams with at least 10 viewers may appear on the website's main page.
Conditions for Online Broadcast:
- Stream quality not less than 480p
- You must be a member of our Discord community
Settings for Your Online Broadcast:
- Your Online Broadcast title MUST always include a link to our website Mysterium.ws
- Text: Playing on Mysterium.ws x1000 High Five
- During the Online Broadcast, you must set up a clickable banner:
- Link: http://surl.li/psqkz RU or ENG
Application Submission Form
Applications are submitted in the Discord community, channel Stream. In the application, be sure to specify:
- Link to Your stream. (http://www.twitch.tv/yourstream)/TikTok/YouTube, etc.
- In-game nickname
- Link to Telegram profile (if available)
For every hour of broadcast, you receive 7 Gold Einhasad. The reward is given for a maximum of 6 hours of streaming per day, but the minimum duration to receive the reward is no less than three hours.
How to Receive the Reward
- Write in the online chat on the website
- Create a ticket in Discord
Skill change
Added new skills, for bards. SWS+BD
Action time: 5 minutes.

Added new skills Summoners

Cloak Improvements
In the Forge section, the Cloaks improvement feature is available.

Price of Improvement:
The cost of improvement is the same for all levels:

It is also possible to improve the "Upgrade Stone" in the amount of 1 pc for each level.

The server has special "Puppets" items in a quantity of 9 pieces that correspond to all epic bosses and time zones.
If you have a doll in your inventory, there is a chance of dropping the "Super Enchant Stone" from the epic boss. The higher the level of the doll, the higher the probability of falling out.
Zaken,Freya,Frinteza - is not an "Epic Boss" but the doll gives you the opportunity to get additional rewards such as: Coin of Luck, Master Coin.

Improved bracelets and belts
In the "Forge" section for you will be available to improve " Cloaks (CLIC) , Bracelets, Belts".

That is, there are 3 PVP belts on the server. For mage skils, physical damage, and for defense against physical and mage damage. (Each of them, can be improved 3lvl).

It is also possible to improve the "Upgrade Stone" in the amount of 1 pc for each level.

1LVL - 3LVL = The cost is the same, but the increase is phased in!

It is also possible to improve the "Upgrade Stone" in the amount of 1 pc for each level.

Updated fort system
Friends, meet the improved update that will provide unique opportunities for clans and other players.
When you capture one fort from the list, you now gain an additional passive skill that affects the entire clan.
These skills give a minimal boost, so they will not significantly affect the balance.

Skills List:

Clan Skills

Skills List:

The validity time of the additional skilts is 24 hours.
- Clan Reputation - 5500
- Raid Goggles - 350
How it works
A fort or castle is required to activate clan skills
If you are a clan leader, purchase rights to other clan members can be given out very simply by checking the "Sponsor" box

It is now possible to study all skils and raise level 11 clans through services in ALT+B. All Squad skills will also be available on all Clan units.

PVP Ultra zone
On the server there is PVP Ultra zone, which opens every day from 20:00 to 00:00 GMT+3 in which a lot of fan, a good store, as well as very good drop from monsters. By the way, in this zone you can get - Golden Einhasad!

As for the store - For killing the enemy, you will receive "Reward for Victory", which you can spend in the mash store.

Dragon's Magic Chest

- Go to Hard Zone 85 lvl, find the Magic Dragon Chest
- It can be opened with the Dragon Magic Key - 1 pc
- Dragon Magic Key - can be obtained from: Elite Turtlelian, Elite Krajian, Elite Tardyon, Elite Bgurent, Elite Brakian, Elite Groikan, Elite Treykan

RPG Skill Learning System
RPG System allows you to learn special skills for your character that enhance them.

- NPC in which you can learn skills - RPG Master, the NPC is located in the starting location
- There are 24 skills in total, each skill has 5 levels
- Each level gives +1% to the parameter you have selected
- Price per study 3 Master Coins and 20 Mysterium Gold
- Mindsets don't work in the Olympics
- Skills work for the whole account! - On the principle of Premium Account! That is, 1 skill, for all characters on the account!)
You can get coins: 7RB, Epic Bosses, Clan Bosses, Magic Dragon Chest, Instance Zones, Donate Shop!
On our server, any pet of 8 pets will put a buff on you.

What is important to know about the pet?
- When you buy a pet, you will need to feed it. You need to feed it with ADENA - it must be put in its bag, otherwise it will be lost!
- The saturation of the pet can be viewed by clicking on it
- Price per pet 10 Gold Einhasad
- The pet buff gives: pAttack, mAttack, pDefense, mDefense +5% CP, HP +15%
PvP servers Lineage 2 High Five x1000, x1200
Attention MMORPG enthusiasts and fans of the legendary game Lineage 2! The PvP servers L2 HF from Mysterium present a genuine project for those who value high-quality and stable gameplay. Become a part of our world and dive into an atmosphere filled with thrilling battles, intrigues, and grand confrontations.
Features of our PvP servers Lineage 2 High Five x1000 and x1200:
- A refined and updated fort system, offering even more possibilities for your gameplay.
- Daily rewards from the admins! Stay updated with promotions and news on our Telegram channel.
- A unique PvP Zone for captivating player confrontations every day from 18:00 to 00:00.
- A leaderboard for the best PvP warriors of the day and week with valuable prizes. Strive for the top and prove your superiority!
- Clan Raid Bosses and a new clan development system. Gather the best players and dominate in the world of Mysterium.
- Defeat the Raid Bosses and exchange the earned points for attractive rewards.
- A new quest associated with defeating 7 RBs, along with many other unique opportunities for your growth and leveling.
In our Lineage 2 HF x1000 and Lineage 2 HF x1200 worlds, you'll find new zones, improved items, unique buffs, and many other additions and enhancements. Details of all features and innovations can be found on our forum.
Mysterium is not just another PvP server LA2 HF; it's a project crafted with passion and love for the game. With us, you'll feel every minute spent in the game, every PvP battle, and every victorious moment.
Join us, become a part of the grand Mysterium project, and embark on your journey to the top on the Lineage 2 High Five x1000 and x1200 servers!